
We did not go along with the comparisons for the promotion of Aquaman. The first news from the production is about a research story, in the spirit of the predators of the lost arch and the pursuit of the green stone. Neither the news that came later was a different sign. Aquaman will be a shortcut to the DC shared universe. Shown for the first time in Batman vs Superman and then part of Justice League, the character played by Jason Momoa for the first dedicated film will probably unleash an unusual attitude to DC cinema. The great universe supervised by Zack Snyder has been noted for his mood, for some serious background that was not unknown to Batman by Christopher Nolan and which is on the other side of the cinematic spectrum compared to the Marvel Studios approach. Aquaman should instead distract or at least mitigate this component. Never accepted on the mainland and not liked even at Atlantis, Aquaman is a meticcio, which has in common with a large part of American citizenship a state of medium, non-membership and the need to base its own cultural heritage on its own.
Like any origin story that respects Aquaman will tell the process of creating a hero, one that necessarily goes through the malagasy of the new powers and the formation of a young and immature man ends up becoming a king losing much and understanding a lot. The paper-based dynamics and filmmaking so well in these years will have to look like in all the other movies with the excitement of power and the burden of responsibility.
We are used to this narrative arc, but James Wan, the director of Insidious and The Evocation, seems to want to point to a component that seldom puts the spotlight, ie Aquaman is an underrated character. It is in reality, but also in ours, as it’s not just a top-notch character of DC, it’s pretty much scared by fans and colleagues. Taking inspiration from the new 52, ​​the comic relaunch of the DC universe, Aquaman will be pretty cool and cool, but with a major component of irony that Wan intends to inject into his stories. Certainly the choice of a big and impressive actor like Jason Momoa, who has subscribed to hard roles and fears, will have an important part in drawing character features. Moreover, the classic characters of the series will be missing from Mera (played by Amber Heard) to the villain of the film, namely the brother of Aquaman Orma Marius (played by Patrick Wilson), Atlanna (played by Nicole Kidman) and Nuidis Vulko (played by Willem Dafoe).

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