In Germany, in Wisborg, in 1838, Thomas Hutter, newly married to the beautiful Ellen, is sent by the real estate agency he works for, to a remote residence in the Carpathians. As soon as he arrives in the region he is tormented by nightmares and witnesses barbaric local practices, furthermore a carriage mysteriously without a coachman arrives to take him to the castle of Count Orlock. The count demands that he sign a contract in an ancient and incomprehensible language. Only too late does Hutter discover its undead nature but, unable to oppose it, he takes refuge in his room. When the creature leaves the manor for the city, to get closer to Ellen with whom he has been obsessed since her adolescence, Hutter will risk his life to escape. In the meantime Orlock has unleashed a plague in Wisborg, which allows him to act undisturbed...
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