Fighting With My Family

Saraya Knight and his brother Zak are treated like children, their parents intervene . Their home turns out to be a charming atmosphere, where parents, former convict and current Teddy Bear Ricky and the force of nature Julia Love each other deeply. The family shares this positive atmosphere in their wrestling hall where they teach a troupe of demanding young children how to catch themselves, jump off ropes.
One of the funniest scenes of the film is the beginning, when the Knights meet with the parents of Kirsten, Zac’s girlfriend. Above all, they are proud of where they came from.
He finds a solution in part by not forgetting Zac when she has long staged Paige’s frailties – that she is not as strong as some of the other women her coach Hutch reminds her of. Pugh and Lowden’s dramatic performances express frustration and complete isolation representing people who work hard and who are tempted to give up a dream for a number of reasons.

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