Category Release Year

Goya Visions of flesh and blood

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828), better known as Francisco Goya, is considered one of the most important Spanish artists of all time and one of the precursors of modern art, able to assert its supreme art both as a portrait of the highest ranks of the Spanish company, is a commentator for the life of the people...

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The Conjuring

1977. During a seance the medium Lorraine Warren tries to get in touch with the author of the carnage of Amityville to know the reasons for his action, but on his supernatural path runs into a demon that takes the shape of a nun. Meanwhile in Enfield, in Britain, the Hodgson family in dire economic straits, lives in a house in which successive unexplained events...

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Once the storks were delivering babies, but it was not a good business. Now hand over of all, through a sales company Retail receive orders and deliver parcels containing, ordinary consumer goods. In their headquarters they are organized as a modern company, but the only one gear out of place is never delivered a baby, adult today and not inserted into the production system...

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Ratchet & Clank

Ratchet is a spatial mechanical, like a lot, who lives in the myth of Captain Qwark, the hero of the Galaxy Ranger leader, a man behind the monumental appearance is actually vile and vain. When a terrible threat, that is, the disappearance of some planets, pushes the Rangers to accept new recruits, Ratchet appears to be beside the idol but it will be discarded...

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Alex lives in the slums of Rome and reluctantly helps her father fishmonger. His one true passion is music, particularly rap, who practices with the help of his friend Marco, improvised producer and agent. Gaia, Marco’s girlfriend, is the third side of a triangle destined to become even erotic, and to put for the first time to test the loyalty of Alex to the people that are close...

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Money Monster

Lee Gates is the host of a TV show that deals with finance, said the trend of the stock market and recommends investments, all in a ridiculous and yelled climate, made of entr’actes with the dancers in sequins and jingle to the vulgar limit. After all, the money you can earn or lose viewers, Gates does not care...

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The Other Side of the Door

Maria and Michael, an American couple, fascinated by India decide to settle in Mumbai. But an accident occurs in which Maria is forced to an agonizing choice. Oliver’s son dies and the mother is overwhelmed by grief and guilt. The Indian domestic workers Piki, seeing her, proposes a solution: there is a disused temple, where they say there is a kind of boundary between life and death. Maria can go there to meet for the last time his son...

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Nobby Butcher is a football fanatic and ignorant Big Belly suburban proletarian English. Liam Gallagher has sideburns, nine children conceived by who knows who, and the myth of his brother Sebastian, who has not seen in over twenty years. When he hears voice that could be among the guests of a major conference, Nobby s’imbuca in a world that does not belong and surprises his brother even as these, secret agent, is about to stop an attack...

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The ghosts exist and strangely are beginning to attack men in New York. The only ones who can stop them are the scientists Abby Yates and Erin Gilbert. The first studies on chasing ghosts unsuccessfully for so long that it is now considered a charlatan even the most ridiculous universities, while the latter has renounced his past and her friend for a more regular academic work and shared. The appearance of ghosts throws, willy-nilly, in action. Combining theory and practice, they build real weapons to fight with ectoplasm and then, complete with a suit, start directly in the hunt along with two other outcasts: the engineer Jillian Holtzmann and the attendant Metro Patty Tolan...

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Angry Birds

The island of the birds are all happy, distribute hugs and love being in a group and party, convinced that there is another world beyond the borders of their land. All all? Not exactly...

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